You are unique, just like everyone else.
Well maybe not entirely...
I was informed that I was conceived in the Bermuda Triangle.
My mum said I wasn't very happy with being born... I guess a mother would know.
My dad was a mad scientist and thoroughly tickled with his new experiment... me.
In turn, I was named by a computer. Back when a pc was the plus size of an office building, my father created a computer program that created 5, 6, and 7 letter words. I still have the dot matrix printout with my name circled on it! I have been the only person with my name on this planet (that I know of - see entry "Is It Your Virtue?").
A little bit about myself from such a young age... My first spoken word was Pterodactyl and I could spell antidisestablishmentarianism by the age of 6 and understood the concept of its meaning.