Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Water Of Moons.

I drift off in search of something I had once glimpsed.
Something in a remote jungle setting.

I pass by the markets laid out in rowed fashion.
The sun is surprisingly intense, yet shaded by the large brimmed straw that sits on my head. My feet are dusty and a bit eager. I cannot remember the name of this place, just its location. I cannot remember exactly the significance, other than the reflection.
The reflection on water...

The moon is shining in great full capacity. W
ho is it that beckons me to follow? Up the rigid gopura, thus being the south. It is dark within these frozen walls, and too dark to glimpse the details of the dvarapala. Onward to the elevated temple mountain. I hear water... running water. I enter into the centre of the cross. What purpose does this place have, putting aside former notions of archaeological favor for spirituality? The being stands beside me, a man much shorter than I, and he holds out his hand to mine. I reach to take his offering. I find myself holding a chalice with the resemblance of Mount Meru. This miniature Bakong sitting perfectly in the diameter of my hand was seemingly stone, yet had a silvery undertone to it. The man then directed me to stand within the east and west, and directly under the circular opening that was at the temple's pinnacle. A silence embounded me in this distant place. Slowly, almost methodically, the bright white of the celestial being in the sky journeyed into view. As the minutes progressed the silver moon took up the entire space of the pinnacle skylight. Once this occurred, I peered down into the artifact I was holding, as the entire surface of the vessel glowed. Then the openings on the cup, to the scale of the windows on the Wat, poured out this bright light in directional patterns of the two cardinals. The water carved trellis' absorbed the directed light right out through the very sandstone windows that surrounded me. I could see the trail of reflections now at each of the four corners, and there from dispersing outwards to the barays. The event that transpired was that of pure awe, as the moon was then reflected a hundred times over, side by side, surrounding the entire moat.

The water of moons.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sand Art.
(Video - Sand Animation by Kseniya Simonova)

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Art Of Intertwining.

Why not do what you enjoy, where you enjoy it?
(12 Great Underwater Discoveries - Archaeological Institute of America)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Proverbial Quantum Loop?

(Video - Quantum Spin Dynamics In Loop Quantum Gravity)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Free Front Row Seats To The Best Show On Earth!

I am sitting watching television on my home theatre (literally - 6 foot screen), when out my windows I glimpse a faint pattern of green glow. I turn off the television, and peer out into the desolate cold. What awaits me is truly an undeniable wonder. The lights in green gaseous state whip here and there and begin to form bands. Moving slowly and with a direction, they proceed from the south and glide upward into the north. I race around my house, finding every switch in its powerless position. Inside has now just become that of without... black, dark, nothingness. But, the stars are out and twinkle so, you can even see them behind the glow.

My fortune would have it, that I would not only participate in one show, but two. Tis the end of the Orionid, leaving Halley's dust in our wake. A huge fire of orange balled in my northern sight and ended faintly on the horizon. I make my way around my windows, trying to determine which best to peer out of. Any will do, as the intense spot that left the sun, would encompass the entire view.

Peaking in such form, the piercing white begins to break through. I hold my breath, as shimmers of vapor pour downward. Could this lash out into a real show, the best show on Earth? Another white star burst within cloud like form is highlighted by yet another shooting star. I recognize the patterns of chaos in fractal order, and race to bundle up to brace the weather.

Without I can see and even feel the beauty. I stand looking up and another meteor collides with the atmosphere, making its way to join our magnet in forceful glory. Concurrent, the bands are swimming in strength, as the solar winds push them onward with great unseen force. They begin there journey in the eerie green, with bursts of bright unreal white.

I gaze far and wide, as the entire scope is full of nature and science in its height. One last meteorite falls beneath the veil, 4 in total. Above the final energies of fusion making the sky a whisper of radiant mist. Creating a downward motion of green, with white arrays, and last - but most adored, the crimson of pinks. Fairy dust... star dust... gaseous interactions in a massive cloak all raining down on me from every direction.

This show was free, and it was truly created for me.
(Crimson Dawn - Seth Lakeman)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Big City Endeavors Of Boredom.

Yes, they have said Copenhagen, Paris, New York, Tokyo...
Those are the cities to endeavor.

The flight over was typical travel, no mood setting differences. Typical dime a dozen airline, nothing for free. Next was trying to find my way out of the airport and to the magical plane train. I am glad that this is not Amsterdam or Atlanta for that matter... as I have little time to get to my room for a recap barside. I would have to say the system in Norway is easy for its users in regards to transportation. For me, it is so different to use trains - just in France and Italy I have traveled by these means before. Most of Europe uses these for people movers. I have been told that these railways are thanks to the Germans, as they built them during World War II specially for moving their troops and equipment. I seat myself window side, and leave the crowded station behind. My journey to what they call sentrum has thus begun.

I thought maybe since I had heard so many things about Oslo, I should venture there on my journeys around this giant blue ball. After all, in the teen years I was most assuredly a city girl. The highlights of visiting as many places as I can, are the true city experiences. To take in each culture in its thriving heyday, to develop an understanding of the underlying core to what makes each society function and tick.
(Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Cake)

About 45 minutes later, I arrive at my destination. I am a little perturbed, as most of the visual rail journey this way had been blocked by walled fences which only donned street art in the lowest forms of graffiti. I realize these mammoth walls probably keep the noise and bustle of the train without the living areas of the people. But then again, the people riding the train have nothing to see... I suppose it doesn't matter too much - the places where one could see, one wouldn't be marveling over much.

Sentrum! Shopping malls, and shopping malls.... and row upon row of buildings. Nothing superior to the Empire or Eiffel. The tallest hotel in north Europe stands here, I guess that is something to write about. Everything is so grey, dark asphalt and concrete jungle.

I make my way up to the bar I shall meet my comrad in... I think this will be neat, as it is the Sky Bar. Finally, I will be able to get the true feel of the city and its essence.

Martini on the rocks with olives please. Make that a double... The city is literally thrown together. There is nothing enticing here as I overlook. Yes, apparently all those years of building they ran out of space, and then they tried - "tried" to build up. It wasn't pretty. I sipped my drink and thought to narrow my vision beyond the blarg chaos that seemed a misshaped mesh of unpleasant sight. After an overpriced lobster dinner at a place that was recommended as 5 star eating, I ventured back to the bar to see the city once more. Maybe, I would find something intriguing, something to make note of, something of interest... perhaps. I was then showed the Norwegian King's castle/home (if you will). I was shocked, I did not expect it to sit so small and distant in the confusion of concrete with sparse fauna. It's monumental legacy to all these people, in Greek and Roman architecture - a blurp within all the rest.

Onward, the real reason I came to this location was to envelope myself in a show of theatre. A show I have seen several times before in other locations with different play rites.

The show was fantastic, just as expected. But the facility hosting the show... eeek gods! I paid an arm and leg for up front tickets, because the show is best up close... but the front seats all rowed up upon each other and you had to look around the 3 rows sitting in front of you! My back didn't like that a bit. Plus the seats were on the ground level and the stage was higher, so you missed all the special lighting and active happenings while the performance was going on... so it really took away from the feel I remember in viewing these performances from before. I will never pay good money to see something there again. It was the most horrible stadium I had ever been in. I had heard it was the biggest and best in these parts, but they can save it. I guess when you come from a bigger city, you have tastes and expectations that this particular place didn't provide.

Over my stay, I managed to find a Subway for hometown eats. This in itself was a nice taste of home far far away. I indulged in a sub before perusing the goods in the overpriced shopping malls. I actually managed a mini concert unexpected at an artist signing that was taking place. So this was a perk to a rather bland tour.

Nothing really said big city, just thrown together asphalt and piled on buildings. All the restaurants opened at 1700 and closed at 2300! So getting food was a pain. All the bars closed at 0030, which is dumb for a city. The money I spent on two days alone could of paid for a one week charter to Spain, Greece... Something!

I boarded the "plane train" on my final day. I sat with my back to the forward movement, facing towards what I was leaving behind. As if I was leaving this "city" the same way I had came in. My thoughts were distracted, but not on any fond memory in particular in regards to my stay. I guess I felt an overwhelming sense of disappointment.
Oh well, do everything at least once right?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

(Perfecto Vegas - Paul Oakenfold)

My Latte.
Nice, very nice.
Perfect, very Perfecto.

Friday, October 2, 2009


(Animal - Miike Snow)The white giants move in and the fall retreats in the fur depths of white. The greens, oranges, yellows and reds seem muted as the winter takes its early claim.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obsession 6.
(You Take My Breath Away - Dj Tiesto: Safri Duo & Dido)






Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Below The Skies, Above The Seas.

Today I awake in wonderous awe, not that this time differs from any other time of the year. But I still feel so sound in knowing that once again it has arrived. Once again they have arrived...

I reach out to the surrounding atmosphere, letting my senses drown in the chilled air, as I exit my tent in the rolling hills. The white giants have returned, and their colorful array of footing in the brightest of greens, oranges, yellows and reds don their façade. I know that next year their giant feet will have all but faded, but every transition in them I find delightful and intrigueing. A day never passes without some minute distinct change, and I always find it.

I smell the waves churning in the storm that rides the foot of the white giants, and await my return into the deep.
(Nine Million Bicycles - Katie Melua)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Black & Blue.

When one experiences so much death,
one has a greater appreciation for living.

(Bruises - Chairlift)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Moments In Love.
(Moments In Love - Art Of Noise)

I stand up straighter as I walk.
I walk with precise strides and maybe a bit slower.
Slower as I take the time to look around.
Around I see a whole new world.
The world is even more so intricately detailed.
The detail of a butterfly's flutter or the blades of trees.
The trees rustle softly in the cool wind.
The wind brings the faint, but known, smell of the sea.
The sea bulges over in waves.
The waves perform mightily as they break in shimmering white.
The white in the sky grounds the vibrant blues.
The blues in my eye twinkle among the mass of colors.
The colors of the sun reflects off my smiling face.
I face the fact that I feel something recognized.
I recognize myself more than ever,
a piece that was always present yet deep.

Deep within I find myself grasping unto it,
along with these very moments.

These moments in love.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

148 Classified.

To date there is 148 charted in this region alone.

At the end of the center, carved in the bluish rock, remains a traveler's autograph with the date 1938. Yet its scratched white appearance seems as if it was signified just yesterday.

Turning back through this section of underground path, an inch wide line of distinct breakage looms far - going in opposite directions. At first, I think it is that of a fault where this massive line has shifted. But upon closer inspection, I am dazzled to find it is an entire row of rose quartz! I dare not to ruin such eye pleasures for the next venturer.

As I wait on a clay pinnacle, no natural light abounds - only the glow from my LED headgear. There is no sound, as all of the outside world as we know it is blocked out. Far off in the distance the only thing one can hear is the natural inner trickling of water into a time carved basin down below. My light beams in the direction I point my face and a whole new world within a world inside the world lights up.

The colors - white, silver, milky, shiny... yet every geological area differs with every footstep. Yet here I still sit on the clay formation, beaming my headgear into the vast little corners of the unknown and taking in every detail.

In the cavern ahead lies water and above at the very apex a calcium deposit stalactite dripping down so low. If I could walk on water, I could effortlessly touch it.

All around it the ceiling glittered with flakes of silver and gold.

Ahah! Now the boat comes and my good captain motions for me to join for continuation of this trek. So I climb into the boat and we set off peacefully, floating gently down along narrowing rock pathways until it becomes too low and the water recedes. Here we must disembark and continue in primate means using all fours.

At the lowest point, I had no use of my legs and had to drag my entire body flat and along with the use of my forearms and elbows. The exit was large enough to stretch out in, thankfully. Positions unnatural to us modern Homo sapiens can prove wearisome over long periods. I stood within the pit. Below, my feet sank deep into the wet silt. The top hovered to a vaulted ceiling, forming a geodesic arch with rocks recreating art in dramatic colored lines. As if hand painted - shades of browns, auburns, dark greys, and whites.

I decided to venture down the next passage which became increasingly tight (as I was already crawling). I stopped to view my new surroundings. Absolutely amazing. Every angle was white on blue, shifting this way and that. Jutting out and over, diminishing into the hard earth beneath. Yet the blue was of nothing encountered previous - it was luminous and iridescent.

Ah, if only I could sit here in my near fetal position to take in more of its luminescence. My heart began to beat fast. I am not claustrophobic, but the crawl over here has caught up with me and no doubt left my knees and shins in lesser conditions. Still ahead is a narrow crevice with jagged symmetric edges. Yet in the midst stands a few milky earthen icycles hanging in their permanent mold.

Drip, drip, drip. Slowly the Earth gives up its life in the form that all uses and needs for survival - water. I reach my hand in to the crevice to let that one precious drop fall into my palm.

At last the deep abyss opens into a large hallowed out area, a cave if you will. I imagined that it could very well be possible that this very cavern housed the earliest clans as a functional habitat. I turn off my LED and stand in total blackness. Nearly a deprivation tank aside from the tranquil waters running throughout. I envisioned a small wood fire illuminating the entire area, dancing off the walls as the few habitants sat eagerly soaking in its warmth. Then just as the vapor journeyed upwards to the highest point of rock, poof, my vision dissipated with the escaping smoke. I sat in total darkness once more and I let it embrace me, along with the cold.

I turn on my LED lighted gear again, as I must move onward. Lying ahead, there is a beach and rippling shoreline, but there is not a single breeze. The air smells cold and unbreathed for centuries. From a few rock faces earlier, I denoted that I had already traveled past at least two ice ages.

I made my way to the muddied edge and crawled down through the stone face to meet the guide who awaited with a boat. I clattered in and sank down really low to bypass the cliff edge hanging above my head. As we pushed off, the rock seemed to transform into a keyhole, just big enough to encapsulate your head as you moved along its entire length.

Such a long stretch was traveled in this manner, I could only truly expect to find it to unlock a door into another world.

As we neared the keyhole's end, the tube enlarged into a valley of waterway. As we drifted on, propelled by punting, one could see gravity defied in the forms of stalagmites along the left precipice.

Its milky formation, bubbling up, of something time had left behind. All above the ceilings shine with scattered minerals embedded in the face of the deep.

I drift in thought momentarily of bygone palaces, where nobles inlaid jewels and precious stones above, below, and all throughout their garnished homes. Starlings placed in precision to work the light given.

Then the sound of running water awakens me - a small stream perhaps. The watered journey gliding us along these hallowed out fissures. Through time, formation, and agility this place still holds its precedence and serenity; untouched, unscathed. Floating downward and then finding its way along jagged brinks, a small wooden lattice of a dock appears. Up ahead is the unmistakable blaze of light.

Yet this light is pristine, as it nearly reflects white. All around is ice in its blue brilliance.

It hovers - this large radiant opening, as if a blanket a sheen.

This exit place was that into another world.

This not being the first of such travels
and most certainly not my last
journey to the center of the Earth.

Absolutely Amazing.
I Love The Whole World,
It's An Awesome Place.

(Foot Of The Mountain - A Ha)