I am 10 meters below the surface, and once again I feel that small trickle of failure as air begins to constantly accumulate in my mouth. I know this error and do not take it lightly in the 4 C water. I choose then not to go any deeper, retrace my swimming distance at a slow pace and breath. If I should go deeper, I can have a total freeze or free flow regulator. I take this chance as an opportunity to experience this under diving instead of taking my octopus ventilator to use. It does not hurt to practice and learn under different experiences. There could be a day that I have no choice - to be ready and know what will be experienced is better than not knowing.
Since this is governing my dive in a way I cannot control, I slowly make my way back to the landing zone. So slow, that seeing the life in between the rock surfaces and under sea fauna was the biggest pay off yet.
I was under several rock ledges and had the opportunity to see dead man's fingers growing on the underside. In addition, I found several brittle starfish camped out in little holes along the large stone surfaces. The tidal waves making the large sea grass glide to and fro, revealed different crab species milling about with their daily lives. There was even a fish who hung around checking me out in the distance.
As my regulator slowly turned to free flow, it was getting more difficult to breath. I had finished my three minute safety stop and signaled to my dive buddy I was cold and surfacing. I begin the ascent slowly, still looking around at the little creatures the oceans keep hidden. My buddy was on the landing zone, and I awaited my turn a couple feet below. Suddenly, I realized I had a very tiny visitor right in front of my masked view. It had a bright pink head and body, yet the rest of its physical makeup was translucent. It had wings that flew in the waters and two antennas that moved as if in communication. I could not see any eyes or orifices as this beautifully magnificent creature waved its delicate wings at me. I could feel that it was intelligent in a manner that it was just as amazed to see me, as I it. The Naked Sea Butterfly stayed right in view as it studied me and we danced with the surface waves. Then as quickly as it appeared, it vanished in between foam and current.
(New Theory - Washed Out)