I tried to stay there a little longer... but I recognized that my body's functions had awakened. Yet my concious mind wished to linger. My fleeting dream... I saw our distant world from above and was astonished at how much junk was poluting the exosphere in their determined orbited path. My friend beside me, on the outlook of the starship, had neatly explained how the downfall of man and the planet was not sped up by internal effects. But that of the bee hive technology that now sat as a substitute for what once was our outer atmosphere. Thus changing the natural laws in place that govern all the cycles.
I am awake now and contemplating today's tales based on religion, culture, and even history. The keepers of this information have spoken it along down the lines for generations. I recall as a young girl one story in particular...
The sky of the entire planet was lit up with lights that were of lightning, heat lightning, meteors, and ball lightning. The ancient peoples associated this with the gods. The gods Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Venus were in great disbute which lead to the involvement of Lei Gong, Indra, Thor, Hadad, Set, and countless others battling out with their preferred weapon of choice. As the outer rims of habitible hemisphere were penetrated by force, the suffering was great. Not only for the gods, but the inhabitants below. Æther swallowed bolts that they sent back and forth in protection for those below. Terra was left unharmed, but her son was not so fortunate. The pivitol point in defeat was the death of Oceanus. Gaia was the battle's ground, that to be won for her powers and chthonic power so that the immortals could use her strength. Uranus knew the plot and tried to prevent it in and amongst Apollo and the others. In turn he lost his son. With the wanton death of offspring, which was not the initial start seeded in greed, Chronos stepped in and gave the final countdown. The laws that were so utterly disturbed, would in turn lead to the demise of all living in, on, and around the planet.
The stories have filled our ears through all our years, and Æther is still our protective layering. The planet has rebuilt itself from the defeats in battle. There are countless tales, and some have been long forgotten. But these tales are that of bedtime stories, are they not? Stories of ancient peoples based on relics we have tried to put meaning to.
I had taken something with me to my home from the Vault, packed safely in a special made steel case. Appropriately named after The Scientist's favorite animal, I assume he designed its protective features.
I jumped out of bed, wrapped my silk robe around my naked body and headed to the safe in which was locked down through a multitude of gadgetry. I went to the study, and like the common disguise, removed the Sir William Waterhouse painting from the wall. There lie a simple looking safe, which appeared to be an inbuilt wall safe. The truth of the matter is no one has ever seen this type of handiwork and quite frankly it dizzies me just thinking about it. I turned the numbered knob to the correct numbers, which applied a mechanism of cogs to open the outer layer into which the wall was removed. From there I was presented with timeless pieces of clockwork which had to be alligned to the correct setting for the actual area the safe was located to be revealed. With the help of The Scientist, this was a nightmare of a task in creating and the precise tunning was incalculable. I could go further into detail as to what happens next, but as to ward off any would be thieves, I shall say no more in depth on the matter. The end of the concealed area does not even exist in the same plane, but that is now where I stood barefoot. I grabbed the Gator case and headed back a different way than I came.
Once back in the study, I placed the case on my rolltop desk. I worked through the lock system, that which Charlie had shown me. And like a pressurized dry ice capsule, the case opened. There was the artifact, completely preserved, brought out of the very ground the original vault was located. It was carbon dated before our time. The metal was out of this world, shiny and prestine. Its edges told the story of great destruction, as they were jagged and torn. It even appeared to have charred markings on it, as if it might have suffered immeasurable amounts of heat. The light of the desk lamp reflected off of it on one side and the other side appeared to have some sort of blue black gridding. In clear english next to the gridding, I looked at the words written in a crisp yellow color... It was inscribed Thor. Next to this remarkable notation was the same symbol that had been scribbled in the very pages of The Scientist's leatherback! I grabbed up his journal and scrolled through the pages until I found the symbol there. It was the exact same lightning bolt with yellow triangle.
(Satellite - Dave Matthews Band)