Monday, September 22, 2008


Great Tune, Great Video.
This will last me through my next trip at sea.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

In Searching... Awake Or Dreaming.

I had a dream last night, that if I had stayed and not journeyed so far away, I would have met one out of three today. As Tink knows who I am reference to. I find it odd after 3-4 years, I would possibly of met this person??? This I must pursue, if only to see if it is true.

I rarely look at horoscopes, was once into the Chinese horoscope - as it is a more realistic approach. But I figure why not see if this dream has merit. So I, in turn, plan on searching the information acquired... which takes me to my instant messenger (yahoo or icq), and yahoo's home page has this staring me in the face:

"Aries: Everyday emails, text messages or voice mails won't help you to really connect with that certain someone, today. You need to use creative communication that has your special brand of flair imprinted on it. So express yourself by writing them a poem, a song, or even a script! Do whatever it takes to make your message stand out from everyone else's. You need to break away from the rest of the crowd right now, and you have all the skills you need to do it."

Ironic - As I just got back to shore and updated my journal (entries dated 8-25-08 through 9-15-08). My journal, my flair.

I have certain information, as stated above. And with that note, I know for a fact he has certain information.
If you can find me, then you deserve my attention.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Between Water And Light.

Today I was asked to bury my father.
Honored. The Future. The Ocean.

2 rainbows, significant of 2.

Ashes of one and then another.
The Ocean. The Past.
(Walk On The Ocean - Toad The Wet Sprocket)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Recovery Is A Bitch!

Recovering from a traumatic injury is no day in the park. It's like a million days compounded by 3 trillion days of pain and suffering, although it has only been 2 years. Where every day is lived saying the next is going to be better.

Sometimes I feel like old Humpty... and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. So what exactly was all that about anyway - Humpty Dumpty? Have you ever wondered what half of those nursery rhymes actually mean? Ring Around The Posies was about the plague, god only knows what the others were in reference to.

Anyway, I am thankful for the good days. They are finally becoming more than the bad. I see so much suffering and disease in my line of work, I am thankful I have not been dealt worse. In 2003, I opted not to make a New Year's Resolution, as they seem to be a part of stressful mundaneness. Instead, come day break on that first sun filled morning, I took up pen and paper... a poem. The following year for Christmas, I took that poem and nicely printed it on matted paper. A gift to all my friends and family. And now to those who read.

Thank You.
Nobody sees the beauty,
Can love, and enjoy happiness.
We have been bestowed with more,
Including this.
Yet no one takes it for granted.
Except those lucky ones who know.
And those who know you.
Thank You.
We're all blessed, you know.
Just open your eyes,
Take in the cool breeze,
And you shall see...
That you are blessed
By thee.
Lucky you are,
When you've found all that I speak of.
For now your know,
One of the many few.
Spoken by two words,
Not normally heard,
Thank you.

(Hodet Over Vannet - Morten Abel)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Often Than I Like...

Sitting in a cafe. The windows look out of a second floor. Green, green. Grass and trees. What's left of summer. It's breeze you can see in the leaves. Lightly snow dusted mountain caps on the far horizon. The big city booming in the valley. The sun appears as if it is rising. Yet it has been hanging in the sky for nearly 5 hours. Just on its way around. It never really goes down. And below, in bloom, is golden yellow flowers on the ground.