To sit as a famous author would. In some solitary place given only to inspiration. Perhaps a cabin amongst the forest. Maybe overlooking a lake, better yet the ocean. Any scene true to nature, in simplicity. This is where it would begin, surely. I have such a story to tell, yet no time and nearly not as much funds. So to ponder or dream of being a famous writer to achieve this great feat would be well... just what is needed. I could be unaffected by persons, daily nuances, mundane happenings, and truly use the time alloted to create.
I sit facing out the large window overlooking my mountainous landscape. I have just prepared a fresh meal of scampi drenched with lemon, butter and garlic. Topped with a green onion and green squash relish over a bed of hot steaming jasmine. I pull out my best silverware, something of a tradition and making the food taste all the better. I pour a glass of cola to accompany my meal. Then I pull out one of the several great books I am reading and lay it open on the table in front of me. A sense of perfectness appeals to me, as I delve into this common theme and I most certainly enjoy the reading as much as the eating.
This feeling must surely be the same acquired by those famous writers as they sit to begin their epic tale in their serene chosen landscape, as their laptops beam just a second away. Or does one actually write with pen and ink (as I do my journals) at all these days? I guess the choice is based on what the writer feels appropriate. This time, and if given the chance to prove an epic tale worth while, I would use the beaming glint of technology. It is easier to compose and cuts half the time of transferring data. I have actually started this tale, about 3 years ago. And, the inspiration is most certainly devouring me. Yet I haven't had the time to put into it what it needs to see it through. Everything takes money, so I can not just say I'm taking a year off work to finish a novel. I can't take a year, or however long or little it takes to complete such a task, away from everything or everyone... can I?
The dream of this writer is to somehow find what the famous authors have managed. To have the opportunity to have the time and the means of support to finish their book, unhindered and without detours.
(She Moves In Her Own Way - The Kooks)
I sit facing out the large window overlooking my mountainous landscape. I have just prepared a fresh meal of scampi drenched with lemon, butter and garlic. Topped with a green onion and green squash relish over a bed of hot steaming jasmine. I pull out my best silverware, something of a tradition and making the food taste all the better. I pour a glass of cola to accompany my meal. Then I pull out one of the several great books I am reading and lay it open on the table in front of me. A sense of perfectness appeals to me, as I delve into this common theme and I most certainly enjoy the reading as much as the eating.
This feeling must surely be the same acquired by those famous writers as they sit to begin their epic tale in their serene chosen landscape, as their laptops beam just a second away. Or does one actually write with pen and ink (as I do my journals) at all these days? I guess the choice is based on what the writer feels appropriate. This time, and if given the chance to prove an epic tale worth while, I would use the beaming glint of technology. It is easier to compose and cuts half the time of transferring data. I have actually started this tale, about 3 years ago. And, the inspiration is most certainly devouring me. Yet I haven't had the time to put into it what it needs to see it through. Everything takes money, so I can not just say I'm taking a year off work to finish a novel. I can't take a year, or however long or little it takes to complete such a task, away from everything or everyone... can I?
The dream of this writer is to somehow find what the famous authors have managed. To have the opportunity to have the time and the means of support to finish their book, unhindered and without detours.
(She Moves In Her Own Way - The Kooks)
1 comment:
Certainly one of the most interesting novelist writing?
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