Friday, June 5, 2009

What Defines A Cure?

Who? What? When? Where?
Could it be love? Could it be money?
Is it a lifestyle? Is it based on what you choose it to be?
It could be anything to any one individual being.
(Friday I'm In Love - The Cure)

Cure: Pronunciation - \ˈkyr\, Function - noun
14th century
1 a: spiritual charge - care b: pastoral charge of a parish
2 a
: recovery or relief from a disease b: something (as a drug or treatment) that cures a disease c: a course or period of treatment d: spa
3: a complete or permanent solution or remedy
4: a process or method of curing


psyconym said...

You can not cure the human conditon.

Lyn xxx

Atlanteaness said...

Possibly, but then one must define the human condition ;).