Friday, October 22, 2010

(One Last Try - Machine Birds)

Elegiacally, leaving that ocean behind...
it is truly no longer recognized with vast wastes of
mankind's failure.

When my feet finally take shape again and hit the ground beneath me of my new home country, it is solid. The weather is not what I am hoping for, winter has come early. Yet I don't remember there ever being a summer this year.

I am walking along the seaside road and the ocean waves capsize on the boulders in friendly hellos and I realize that this is my ocean. I might have left the one before and burried it at the sea, but here -
this one greets me.

You have to let go of one ocean
to become part of another.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

At This Latitude.

I can walk barefoot.
I can enjoy sand between my toes.
It is warm and inviting,
tempting my feet with each step.

It has been such a long time since I have immersed myself in the waters here.

Such a long time...

Down to my ocean, droplets needed, embrace, behold.
Oh, how I have missed you -
warm nights with star filled skies.

I had all but forgotten the cozy that envelopes you on an evening with a frisk breeze.
The air is moist and the surrounding world is heated.
Amtosphere Earth - warmth, down towards the equatorial.

I can hardly think of myself leaving,
as to break free from this climate.

Every night that I am here,
I look up at the night twinklings
and take in a deep breath and fill my lungs with the warmth at this lattitude.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Meadow.

(Video - Scuba Diving In Newly Flooded Meadow)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What Defines Reality?

How can one tell reality,
If segments of it seem as if a dream?
(I Feel It All - Feist, Britt From Spoon Remix)

Reality: Pronunciation - \rē-ˈa-lə-tē\, Function - noun
1: the quality or state of being real
2: a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2) : the totality of real things and events
b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily
3: television programming that features videos of actual occurrences (as a police chase, stunt, or natural disaster) —often used attributively
-- in reality : in actual fact

Friday, October 1, 2010

Border Patrol.

EVERYONE is so hyped up on illegal immigrants they are forgetting to look at the whole picture (which is what I assume the Am Gov wants - all points to be overlooked). The whole picture is America has closed its borders PERIOD. That means both ways to everyone including their own citizens. And for reasons other than published in news or editorials - has anyone even thought to ask why?

First, I would like to point out - do you know that your borders are even shutdown for emails!!!! Especially government/state related businesses. I can not email into the states from anywhere outside the country, or even my US accounts because of foreign IP addresses. If I were in Hong Kong, India, or Iraq then it would not be a problem... So why isn't America receiving from other locations other than what I have just listed?

Additionally, why do persons need to go through a security check after their plane has landed at the internal destination, after customs, just to exit an airport? Thus being the 5 or possibly 6th security check you have gone through?

Let's see, another perfectly good example.... I cannot buy from the USA. As most US stores will not ship overseas, let alone accept anything other than a US credit card. I understand while living there over several years - go American and buy American (to support our own country internally), but it has gone too far. Maybe that is what they intended - everyone to be self supplied internally - and now with all the laws and regulations just to get within the borders, let alone without them - makes you wonder if all of it is not intertwined. And to beat all things - if the economy is SOOOO bad, why not open the borders to international sales? Alot of products are only manufactured within the states and several people outside its borders are willing to pay for product! So what is the deal, really then? To me it is very obvious that the states have closed up their borders, but not to the persons living without - but those who are living within!