Thursday, February 3, 2011

Locked In Memory.

As I read The Body Electric (which once belonged to my father), I see what appears to be a inch and half short brown hair within the pages. A part of me felt so lifted, so giddy. Could it be? Could this actually be a hair from my very own father!?!? Thoughts of cloning and sentimental revories filled my head... then it sank deep beneath the surface - this was a very sacred object, one I could not even guess would mean so much to me, even so small. I dared not touch the page or jaunt the book as I finished reading the page. I wish not to loose something so rare and so meaningful. When finished I carefully sat the book flat and attempted to move the hair. I think my disapointment gave when the line on the page did not falter. Sad, indeed, but think.... If I had found such a thing, an important link for the living from the dead. That feeling that came with it I would not trade for anything, even though it was just a rouse. But because of this event, I will give a lock of my very own hair to
those I deeply love and treasure, maybe even leave it in one of their favorite books to find by chance. Whether I am alive or not, I can only hope it will provoke a sense of eternity and remain a cherished keepsake that brings that feeling whenever gazed upon.

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