Saturday, December 13, 2008


"Heaven is covered with the constellations, earth with waterways, man with channels. When heaven and earth are temperate, the waters are calm; when heaven is cold and earth frozen, the waters stagnate, when heaven is warm and the earth scorched, the waters boil; when the wind blows violently, the waters break into waves." -Suwen

I bid thee farewell, my journey here has come to a end for this season. I must hoist anchors and leave port, to set sail, to swim, to return to my home. Not the place where I live, but the place where I belong. The ocean. As spoken before it is only for the solar tides, and as I return to the ocean now, I shall return to land once again later. Until then...


? said...

I shall be looking forward to you returning.
I love this

psyconym said...

I second Red Eyes.Yours is a most mysterious and fasinating blog.

Fair winds I hope will be with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi there how are you? I just wanted to stop by and say hello and so hello...LOL I also have something for you at my blog, so when you are ready click here and pick up your award. I am very grateful for your friendship on my blog and yours.

Jesse Noe

John said...

I just wanted to let you know that I have been enjoying your blog and visit here regularly. Keep writing! Love this post especially! I enjoyed the photo elements in this one! LOL A self portrait perhaps? :) Anyway, keep blogging.