Monday, December 8, 2008

Painting Seagulls.

Photographed when "The Speech" was given.
A blessing of wings.
(Never Went To Church - The Streets)


? said...

Hi, can't view the video from where I currently am. But the word seagull brought me here. I know this would be a great vid...will check it out when I have access...Hope you are ok!

Atlanteaness said...

Well, when you do view it - I think you can relate.

? said...

I still cant but my comments are now open...I'm trying too get to grips with this blogger thing...I was so tired on reaching home last night and am at the airport. Flying in about 15 minutes. Will return this evening. I hate planes.

Atlanteaness said...

Hmmm, weird. Hope you can check it out when home. Planes are fun, just the stress of the crap that goes along with flying sucks. I travel too much, flying is down to an art, haha.

? said...

is this yours...i mean the pic, if it is please let me should fit the first chapter...?

Atlanteaness said...

Yeah the picture was actually taken at my brother's wedding. So, it's an original. Nice huh.