Thursday, April 29, 2010


A routine that I have lived by.
Where the sun sets and where it rises,
in accordance with our Earth's rotation and solar cycle.

I would usually know just where I am in the course of a day.
The sun blazes down behind me,
leaving a harsh reflection from the wet surfaced asphalt.
As I move, the intense light bouncing back moves with me.
Yet the Moon travels at its 180 degree place
in correlation to the Sun.
Thus leaving everyday and night two celestial beings
at a constant chase.
If one is hanging in the horizon, you just about face
and the other is there almost in mirror mimmick.
No matter what time it is,
this dance in the heavens continues for months.
Each day is comprised of more light.
As the day progresses, the magic unfolds.
And throughout the course of one day,
an astonishing rate of Moon sliver can be observed.
Just like watching an eclipse in timed motion.
You can literally watch the shadowed Moon wax and wane.
Due to this newfound location,
I must admit I am disoriented to my routine discernment of time.
But I would like to make myself believe,
even with so drastic visible changes,
that planet Earth turns slowly.
(Fireflies - Owl City)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Unquiet World.

What I am missing...

Over a span of time, I have felt on occasion that I needed to behold once again a remembered past time. I cannot quite put my finger on it, only those who know what I am describing would understand. That feeling when you are going on a road trip. That feeling when you are packing for a vacation. That feeling when you are going somewhere special to you. That feeling when you sit in a quieted location and you ponder something in nature that is magnificent. That excitement of the unknown, yet known. That sense of oneness, security, simplicity, serenity. I do not think that there is one single word that is the essense of this feeling. If anyone knows exactly what to call it, please tell me - as it is a nameless entity. And how do I go about getting it back?
(All I Want - Toad The Wet Sprocket)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Please... Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires!

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet a "nature activist". I heard how this person had been in remote areas in far away places, working for science and discovery on how to better the world...

I thought - Wow. This is my opportunity... I have so many questions. Through the years I had thought about just taking my degrees and leaving the big cities for a "greater cause". Working in and around the fundamentals of science on the very basic level, leading to new discoveries and knowledge. I never quite made that jump. I am not really sure why I didn't? But here was my chance to talk with someone who had actually taken that step... and maybe someone I could actually speak with as an equal, on my level... someone intelligent.

In several hours of discussion, I found out that this person studied in Great Britain and supposedly furthered their research education in Svalbard. I wanted to know what type of degree they held and what other type of students and doctorates actually functioned in their research group (such as archaeology, microbiology, marine biology, etc.). I even wanted to discuss the internship research in depth. So I asked what were the leading finds in regards to their research. I slowly began to realize that this person could not really come up with any answers, not even to back their own education. And I suppose instead of lying, talked their way around nothing. The conversation itself was very hard to follow, as an uneducated person would attempt to give context on any given subject. I guess it was difficult for them to suddenly meet someone who actually knows about what the other is talking circles in. Then it dawned on me this person was a "follower". Don't get me wrong, this person was very nice and obviously caught up in "saving the world" without a cause. Everything they thought they were doing for a cause was just a false.

I gathered the impression that this person was just a drifter, possibly searching for a cause, or better yet most likely just drifting through life. Not really certain of what they believed in or what they wanted out of life, but doing something that made them feel better about themselves. So that they think that they are actually contributing. And then they reap the praise of how wonderful their "work" is... Until, of course, they met me. I guess seeing right through the charade caught them off guard and then watching them stumble was a bit funny. I can not say that the person was intelligent and since I never got a direct answer on any "degrees" held, I can only assume that going to a university is a form of relation.

I feel like Darhma...
When her friend of great resources in lies visits from their last "Green Peace" venture...
To my disappointment.
(I Can Talk - Door Door Cinema Club)

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Aurora.

As I reached into the cooling system for some liquid refreshment, I was startled by the glint of unseen... unexpected. It is April and the weather has played out late and heavy. Yet the sun still hovers just below the horizon, marking a lighted territory of blues and teals fading up into the purest of royal blues. Stars talk in colored bursts between the light projected from the burning mass afar. Out the portal I behold the infinite beauty of gases raining down in nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, and oxygenated colors. A display that still has a spell binding affect. At the end of each magnetic trance, some of the light from our energy giving star escapes into our convex lens atmosphere. Penetrating horizontally just below the underscore of clouds, turning them blood red in the darkening night. To see in the midst of spring what brings me so much serenity, only heightens one's being.