Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Long Tour.
(Brandenburg Concertos No. 3 : Allegro Moderato - Bach)

With the first snows, for some reason I think of baroque and classical musics. I much appreciate the arts of great symphony and well constructed music of poetic form. But when the temperature steeps low and the horizons resemble that of the deep blues of the ocean in the sky, I can't help but think of tunes that once filled grand halls.

Halls for dancing, masquerading, balls. Social gatherings set by candelabra light and decadent chandeliers, along with giant wood burning fireplaces encrusted with intricate detail for hearths. The setting almost always depicting the cold winters, or closing holidays, or just shear mystery and pleasure. Spectacular visual effects, theatrical energy, grand stairways, high buttresses, sensual illusions, embellishment of clothings, masks.

Ah... and the music which covered this time span, just brilliant for a forlane or menuet. Grandeur in artistry from patterns and curvature. An emotional elaboration of what life had become, an era between shades of light and dark.

Festive behind closed double doors with no care to the outside world, which had been laid to rest for the season with the white covering of snow.

The snow falls daintily along with the Brandenburg Concerto, mimicking dancers of precision. Their full costumes of the century gliding over polished ornate floors, in the past times of great musicians echoing within grand halls.

Diving Divines.
(The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Ship's Hound.

I rarely hit big cities, unless they are with my port of call. Here on the land-front, I usually drive quite a distance to even reach a remotely recognized city. But in my battening down the hatches, before heading back to sea, I needed to get a few supplies.

In my journeys to "town", I indulge in a once pleasurable weekday jaunt - a pop into the bookstore to browse and a Irish cream cappuccino.

I have a ship's hound you see... a dog in the form of a perpetual puppy, named after a Greek god, to whom accompanies me on almost every journey. (The dog in the picture is Clouseau, not my very own - but the concept is still the same.)

Today, on the tour back to my abode on land, I was pleasantly reminded about the first day my ship's hound and I ventured into town for a now once in a blue moon jaunt and a cappuccino.

...I had placed the warm, recycled paper (no doubt) cup into the holder which lies between the two seats in my vehicle. Driving along, not paying any mind to my ship's hound, I came to reach down for my warmly brewed cup, and to my shock it wasn't where I had thought it to be. Not only had the cup disappeared, but was fashioned between my hound's front legs with the top off! Snout engulfed in the opening and surely cappuccino vanishing quickly! I laughed so hard, and when my hound pulled it's nose out of the cup, it's fur was the familiar color of light brown and frothy... as if rabies infested. A smile broadened across the face of my once ship's hound turned cappuccino hound. ..

The memory of this comic occurrence, leaves me with no choice but to store anything with any remote resemblance to coffee or cappuccino out of the ship's hound's mouthable reaching distance. Never having tasted it before, but obviously knew before getting it's paws into it, it was a taste craved.

What a great friend my ship's hound has become, but in any case with the weirdest taste preferences for a dog.... brussel sprouts, papaya, twizzlers, cappuccino... to only name a few.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We Kindle And Char And Flame And Ignite... Drink Up Me 'Earties Yo Ho!

A pirate's life for me. Faceted by a realistic journey. I was young, and behind the prison windows of what some would call school. I dreaded being behind those closed doors and windows... once having the horizon of the sea as my home, living the life of a young pirate. Then growing up entitled a child to be sent to school.... My sailing days came abruptly to a halt - and for what?! Fourth grade, maybe fifth. You always had to have some final, some elaborate collection in the form of theme or paper - whether real, pros, fiction, even a review.... bio or autobio. What is your thesis on dear one? A pirate's life for me! I shall write on Madagascar! I shall write on Captain Black Beard! I shall write and study as much as I can! Yes, at such a young age to be so enthralled by a theme, a subject... pirates. A pirate's life was for me. The years and studies have become what wayward path I have chosen... The sea it awaits, this bout of studies coming to an end, then I can sail again.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me!

Possibly The Best Song Ever?
(What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Speech.
(Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra)

Certain circumstance have brought us to meet and in those situations we remain connected, if even in silence. A connection by promises, between you and I stands for good reason. I know you have never brought issues forward, even though you could. In that alone I am proud. But when in doubt, you know where to find me. I am pretty sure over the years that you and I have come to the same conclusions. Our paths very different, but non-the-less hard. And our thoughts were tight knitted to begin with. Sometimes I feel that you are the only one I can scratch the surface with, if only after fly by night conversations. But you have some learning and growing to do, as I. You being much younger probably hasn't lead you to what I know, but you'll get there. And there are many things that make me proud when it comes to you, the brother I never had - Go He-Man Women Haters! Gosh, this sounds like a speech, heh... a wedding speech, so here it goes...

When I said I wouldn't miss this for the world... I meant it... it just so happens from the other side of the world. To my brother, we have been through alot together and our friendship will always remain strong. To my brother's gal, an amazing woman to take care of all four kids! When they first met, we didn't see much of each other. You know how it is, when you meet someone... venturing in new endeavors of a future relationship. But we did stay in verbal contact... which lead to one night free from newfound love and a chance meeting outside our favorite dive. He was just bubbling over about this girl he had just started seeing. He explained the coincidence in how they met (fate as it were) and he was just thoroughly excited. He said he knew she was the one... And I knew... I knew how he felt... crazy and falling into love. But the biggest thing that blew me away, was this girl. She had brought a sparkle back into my brother's eyes. Something I hadn't seen in a long time, something he much deserves. So Here's to the both of you, never let that sparkle die out!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Color Of Tea.

Lacking bloom... Early morn...
Dew of spring... Song Dynasty...

Fujian Plains... Of royalty and ancients.

Pure simplicity of a bowl...
Holding some form of water...
Mixed, matched and blended...
With a taste to revive, to release.

The color is white.
The pleasures are in the color.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Recorded In Stone.
(Flute Concerto No. 1 K. 313, 1st Movement - Mozart)

I have a rock beach, right down from my abode on land. It is fairly long and it is always undisturbed, without persons, only nature. There are nearly no waves on a clear weathered day. I go there often to recoup, get away, enjoy. My quiet little space on rock and sand. My best friend tags along for a good run. I love all these rocks, depicting every imaginable color from the spectrum we know. I love the sound they make crunching under landlubber legs.

Today was a fairly cloudless day with wind. Enough movement to create small splashes amongst the stones. I have always been found of geology, and find it hard not to bring several rare finds back to my house by the sea. Even though I know that they are always present in my home on and in the sea. Today was a day I couldn't resist, I had spied 2 rocks on the way out. I set them aside for the return trip. And then another 2 at the end of the beach where it is not possible to continue further on legs. Pieces of history these rocks hold. I find it even more intriguing that these natural items found all over the Earth can record and hold audible information... holding that eternal vibration I suppose. But to be more exact, they can hold specific audible sequences. Truly fascinating! I wondered to myself what each stone's story was, as I am most assured each and everyone is as different and as unique as the human race below and the stars above.

One rock, particularly sedimentary, was worthy of finding a spot on my desk, here with me.

Over the course of the night...

She was amongst the crowd. A concert was to be performed at this location, what seemed to be an established, richly cozy, 2 story pub. Warmed by red wood and oak surroundings. A friend from the past had come, how odd to see Captain here. But that was not the reason she was here, running into Captain was a random happening. The band members were loading out their equipment, which actually was being toted up the stairs to the second floor, in which a balcony would serve as a stage. She watched intently, hoping to catch his eye. The reason she came. To see him again.

I watched from a distance, dressed in my fitted long black cape. I watched her watching for him. I watched him looking to act not so eager watching for her. His eyes found her and I could see his relief and his profound feelings poured out with his enhanced mood. I knew he was the one for her, and her him. Yet he was uncertain in his fame, a music lifestyle wasn't known for decent relationships. He seeing her with others left him unsure if she was even available. He didn't want just a decent and rocky fling, his eyes showed a future with her when he looked at her. He turned once more from the top of the stairwell and like two galaxies colliding her wide eyes met his. They shared the same eyes.

Later she, in her uncertain thoughts, retreated to the rooftop bleachers. There were others sitting, scattered among the twilight. I could read her thoughts and passed through to sit beside her. I loved her more than anyone, and had the knowledge to give her about her wide eyed crush. I leaned over and brushed her lovely hair aside and pressed close to her ear. I whispered in confidence, "He is the one for you. No doubting it. He will never let you down and will always stand by your side in 100% love. Both your uncertainties have left you in silence. But he is shy and you must continue this somehow, someway." She sighed and embraced her feelings, as she had never in any state felt this way towards anyone or anything. She was unclear on how to even approach him. Then there he appeared, standing next to the door eyes searching the scattered few.

Then I kissed her cheek and moved into the background as I watched myself run up to him, in case he should slip away. "I have a rock I would like you to have, if you have a minute. Here..." I handed him this rock, glistening in its uniquely natural form. He smiled lovingly and reached in his pocket and said, "But I already have this one, since the first concert I saw you. " He retrieved a small rounded rock with an intricate design. I smiled, I knew then he was the one. Then he continued, "It's a reminder of you... but I will gladly take this one you give me. I will fashion it to be worn and present it at the next concert."
He smiled, I smiled. It had begun.

Precious Stone.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Have To Post This... It's Too Hilarious Not To!
(Kids - MGMT)

You know when a person really needs to unwind and forget and detach and become, nothing...

I am so.... blitz. I haven't felt this drunk since gosh knows when. I write because I feel the need to express. Express what... I like S. He's cool and I can relate. I remember him with makeup on, and laughing because it was so hard to take him seriously dressed like a serving wench. We are going to go skydiving! Then H. showed up and I stated a typical drunk comment, "I'm having a good time. Your having a good time. He's having a good time." And his reply was, "And at least your not wearing a bathing suit!" LMAO - Me and S. died laughing... classic salad. Anyway I shared a smoke with S. ...Three years and no cigarettes, I quit. But tonight w

Boy that sucks everything is gone, and I have no idea what I wrote. I guess all those deep meaningful nothings got erased when auto save failed, HaHa! Figures!

(Afterglow: I remember this great paragraph of my in-depth, detached, getaway with a bottle of tequila at a German Oktoberfest. The guys dressed as St. Pauly Girls, or should I say St. Pauly Guys - they even had boobs - Haha! And the gals dressed like German males in folk fashion Dirndl and Trachts. At home I danced the night away. This video was pretty crazy, but good tune to let go and get funky to.)

Solar Tides.
(Video : Finding Nemo / Music : Beyond The Sea)

As you can see I have been on land all too long... long enough to nearly have a true blog entry for every day as of recent. Actually composed on the pc and not in my hand written sea journal. I don't realize how much I miss the ocean until I get stuck with land legs for an overdue amount of time. When out at sea, there is truly no care at all in regards to tidbits of everyday life that must be accomplished on land. Taken for granted, it seems all the buzz here is preparing for winter and I have not been able to return to my home until today. The ocean *Sighs*.

You see, why would I stay on land during the winter, when the ocean holds a fairly constant (mind you warmer) temperature. Therefore, most of the winter months is spent in and on the sea. Don't worry, as usual I will be writing in entires when I return to shore.

Ah, such a beautiful place to let my fins stretch out.
One more week to tidy up for the end cycle of solar tides.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fear And Dislikes.

Most of the general population fears and dislikes the unknown, uncertainty, and things they have no control over.

Why am I an unknown?

Are people really lacking in intelligence, so that they feed on emotion and blame everyone else for their own decisions and outcomes (usually in the form of some absurd outrage)?

I am a Vulcan when it comes to things of this nature. Therefore, I see it for what it is and call it like it is... irrational, immature stupidity.
(The Warmth - Incubus)

Monday, October 13, 2008

3 Gifts.
(Gu Zheng : Under The White Wind - Bei Bei)

A gift from family - a mix of imperial and black in the form of two rings for one's wrist.

A gift from an acquaintance - longevity and little pieces of polished stone in the form of a neck adornment.

A gift to myself - a ring for one's finger.


It balances and protects the body's qi.
A talisman, a status symbol of dignity, grace, and morality of the wearer.

My first piece of jade, a gift to myself, was purchased many years ago. A ring, which in turn broke one evening. I was later told from China that jade being such a strong stone, is unlikely to break. That Chinese lore believes that when jade breaks it is accumulating the bad spirits that were in the process of doing the beholder/wearer harm. I had always worn that ring since the day I bought it and it took a great deal of searching to find the right piece to replace it. But to my delight, I found a piece that seems more suiting to myself a few years back. This piece is most important to me, a gift to myself. My piece of jade. It isn't fancy or ornate. It is in jade's natural form... it possesses wabi.

"Charity is typified by its luster, bright yet warm; rectitude by its translucency, revealing the color and markings within; wisdom by the purity and penetrating quality of its note when the stone is struck; courage, in that it may be broken, but cannot be bent; equity, in that it has sharp angles, which yet injure none."
- Xu Shen

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sir, Can You Hear Me!?!

I didn't forget. How could I forget someone I have known for...
gosh, 17 years now.
(Can You Hear Me - Enrique Iglesias)

A high school / military buddy. We went through alot way back when in the stone ages.... adolescence. We went through even more at 8 years time. Who would of thought out of contact, yet such a small world would reconnect us after such a distance and time.

10 years... along with Tink, I would have to say the best years of my life. Our little family.

I didn't forget, I just haven't found the words, let alone finding the right song. To capture, recapture, or represent. I would initially have thought to use a former tune, but then this new spry song hit the charts. And it was a muse to my reason.

At 14 years we still communicated, if even afar.

At 17 years, oh my god to think I would even dare... we are growing up together.

Most Memorable of 17...

Welcome to the House of Mouse Pads. How may I help you today?
Well let's see, just what kind of mouse pads do you have?
We have every possible, imaginable mouse pads one could think of...
We have bumby ones, smooth ones. We even have ergonomic ones, and the kind filled with gel... yanno for support and all...



The best... Teddy Bear Hugs.

For support and all.... it seems in venturing away from Never Neverland (Yet, I still am a firm believer in the Peter Pan Theory) has lead us to be each other's support and trust and count on person. We can always be who we are without hesitation. We can always ask. We can always offer.

A friend in need, is a friend indeed. And Sinbad ate the end pieces.

We've been through alot my friend.
Bad times, bad relationships, deaths.
But the good times most certainly out weigh the bad.
Good times, good talks, good advice, good music, good food, good places, good people, and good laughs.

A friend until the end. Can you hear me?

Hey! Hey! All The Way Dj, Let's play... Now let's do our dance. Hands up, circling in a backward motion... You know the one ;).


Over 2 years ago, I could not even walk.

1 year ago a goal was set to walk 8 km to see a second 7 wonder of the world. At this point, I would not have been able to do it.

2 years, 10 months have passed. I set out early this morning with my good friend, China. We donned our backpacks and gear for a good day's hike. The weather seems to be holding. It is not too cold, and most certainly not hot. I just hope it doesn't rain and no fog.

The place of destination is a subluxation plate that shifted in the Earth over 1 million years ago. Creating a colossal monumental array of massive fallen stones.

The way up is long and unsafe in certain areas. The marsh is wet and footing is a key thing, along with balance. Most certainly something I lacked over a year ago. Upon arrival, it is almost as if you enter into a surreal state. The area seems out of place with the rest of the normal surroundings. It is quiet, and possibly even eerie in its lacking of sounds. Now that I think of it, there were no birds or other fauna around. Yet the flora was superb, with a vast amount of berries for picking. Good thing we brought some containers to collect blueberries, cranberries, some other type I am not familiar with.

A river runs through it, and has created little ponds among the fallen creation. Fresh drinking water flowing down in between, full of minerals.

There is a book at the final location. A book you can write your name in. I couldn't help think of the books of Myst, the environment having that same quality. It was absolutely amazing. Definitely worth a year of painstaking rehabilitation. Definitely worth the long hike out. As a monumental achievement for myself, I wrote my name down on that weathered paper.

I sighed and looked around and then spoke to my friend, "To me this day serves a purpose of determination and achievement. A beginning of a new journey through this point in my life and forward". She in return stated,
"I am honored to share this accomplishment with you."