The first of embarked travels... Finds me two days into my journey and longing for land in the purest of forms. I was sick, and with what one could only describe as a lucid fever. In and out, sleep and sweat. The pictures, the faces, the lives encountered in my fervent twisting and turnings had no substance or meaning during the time of occurrence. Towards the end of my sickly agitation, I closed my eyes with the purpose of going back and trying to sort out what I had visioned - if it had any meaning at all (as I had often wondered if fever induced dreams had purpose). To my amazement, these lucid encounters were none other than the days the previous carrier of the virus/bacteria had gone through. Their lives at best for a minuscule portion during their infection. I managed to trace all I had seen in my feverish state in reverse. Seeing the port of transfer in the form of droplets, linking back to the persons who I had encountered on the vessel... three to be exact. Then, backward in the time and lives of those persons. The time period that the sickness had been in contact with the persons who had infected me was obviously imprinted. Thus, during the spread of the sickness to myself, a piece of them had been downloaded to me.
(December 2008)
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