Monday, September 27, 2010

Eclipse Of A Lighthouse.
(This Is The Future - Owl City)

"Out of everything I have accomplished,
how does one define the impossible?"
- The Scientist

Saturday, September 25, 2010


We are here but a moment...

Just passing through.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

4,000 Classified.

To date there are over 4,000 charted in this region alone.
(Bohemian Forest - Pantha du Prince)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2011, 6 February - The Long Coat.
(At Home - Crystal Fighters)

I feel someone's intended stare and
turn to look down the block in that

direction, my jacket fluttering behind me in a swirl of green.
Ah... it
is you again from afar. I recognize your long dark cloak to match your hair.
This time at least we talk. The topic of coattails. You explain
your multitude of tasks in short and must return to your duty.
understand... the watcher.

But there is so much I wish to say.
And this being the first time to
have spoken with you, leaves my heart in a dire fleeting moment I cannot describe. I know you and have known you. I can only hope to meet again to tell you such. To tell you I wish to be a part of everything once again. Here, there and now. So tell me where on this Earth and present day can I find you?

I have so much to say... someday.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Months before I had planted two sunflowers, side by side to soak up the sun. One in memory of the one who liked sunflowers, the other in memory of the one whom I had just heard the news. I thought then, I should like to plant a tree. But late in the summer, I would have to wait until next season.

Today I planted a hibiscus along side the grave, just visited for the first time. I did not wish to take flowers, so that after time they would just die and return to the Earth. But something that might flourish and bloom with each passing year.

Yes, the tree, I think on it more... to decide what type. A good healthy tree that might bear fruit to use each year, or blooms to bring in the season's change.

A cherry blossom tree.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Supernova Bears Stardust.

I am but a fleck, chemically compounded in such a way that I can actually give name to my birthplace - Galaxy M100. A time to when my molecules traveled beyond the speed of light and entered into my very own embryo -
50, 000 light years ago. My mother sun, SN 1979C, collapsed, expelling all her iron and in her dying breath gave birth to me amongst many other sentient beings, fractals, compounds, right down to the physics and science of every atom that capsulizes my era.

I am but a child learning in this vast universe. As I sit in the back seat of the vehicle, I gaze above me and all around. It is night, which is most comforting - like the womb of the vacuum, and I can't help but raise my hand... up as if to touch those other family members on the horizon. I know then I am a part of something so magnificent only I inwardly can describe. And to think that I would even place heaven as a nebula. As scientists are beginning to concur, my mother has turned into a pulsar wind, the stuff that dreams are made of. With such grace and beauty she will continue eternally. And when I return once again to that dust, another atom of energy will have transformed. Another star will be born. As we cannot be created nor destroyed.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Under The Sea Wind.

"It was the nights that had seen the greatest destruction. They had been dark nights with the sea lying calm under a wide sky. On these nights the little stars of plankton had rivaled in number and brilliance the constellations of the sky. From underlying depths the hordes of comb jellies and glassworms, copepods and shrimps, medusae of jellyfish, and translucent winged snails had risen into the upper layers to glitter in the dark water." - Rachel Carson

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Important To Make Memories.

It is a strange feeling to have lived to have known
and that there is no more.

The last of the elders.

(Pyro - Kings Of Leon)

Monday, September 13, 2010


When I watched this movie; as a medical professional, I could not but help see the resemblance of Planet Earth to a physcial living human body...

I have rivers of arteries and capillaries, oceans of fluid, crevaces of nerve pathways. When I cut myself, I bleed. When I dehydrate, I shrivel up. When hot with fever my muscles spasm like an earthquake. I need sustenance intake as fuel and water to lubricate all that I am. My skin (the largest organ a body has), cells, and every molecular atom all form together one great being. Without them working together harmoniously I am sick or non-functioning. I am fragile, yet a magnificent creation. If I do not take care of myself, I will fail and falter leading to my very own destruction. Our planet, our home is this as well and we including all of nature make it up in its entirety. As stated before, this is the only home we have - so as a people, we are the only ones who can decide not to exploit it.

This is a brilliant documentary with feats in production that only this day and age could perform, coupled with truly amazing indepth sights. Sights I strive to see and have seen in my lifetime.

I am not an advocate of global warming, as that is just another money making scheme. I, as a good scientist and mathematician, see the pattern of nature and its cycles. So when seeing this film do not take all the proposed transversely to heart... but see this film with an open eye and think freely about what comes to mind.

(Movie - Home)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Salvaging Blackbeard.

I walked out in front of my classroom peers from the hallway door. I had a hard and crude cardboard paper peg leg attached to my real one, a black mess of a wig on my 9 year old head, a white tattered lace up cotton shirt, and a old ceramic jug -
for my rum of course.

The months that ensued from the day our teacher had given us the assignment, "Write a presentation speech on your idol, or someone you look up to". I spent the time rehearsing and reenacting. Taking every little detail from the history books and making them into me, who would then appease the crowd that I must speak in front of.

I began my tale on the high seas with my back faced to the on lookers. I spun around real fast and with a gleaming eye growled,
"Argggghhhhh! Mateys, have eh en tale til tellyas...
And eh beee Teach himself."
(Video - Black Beard Song)

In my search for the lost treasure, I have decided to set sail down the coasts of my youth. To sail in and out the shallows and shoals was a gifted pleasure. Even venturing in the islands I had camped out on with my family long lost. I find myself in a very familiar place, one where treasure and history made waves in the early 1700's and now waves in the infant years of the 2000's. Queen Anne's Revenge, appropriately named, has been confirmed and located right here off these coastal waters. The salvaging and categorizing still continues. But to think - how amazing our technology, how amazing our dive equipment, how amazing to bring my past time to life for the first time ever. Most of all, my very own pirate ship is safely docked at one of the wanderer's pit stops and here I stand in Beaufort - overlooking once again the very spot where my formidable years passed through often on a whim and a wind. It is still a charming little place, with early evenings and friendly folk. I am glad to see that tourism and greed has not set it into motion to become something bigger and better, I do hope it will never change. I am glad to still see that most of the area has been kept a sancturary by the state of North Carolina, on the behalf of an icon, fellow biologist, and intriguing author - Rachel Carson. It has not disapointed me, and one can still come here to see wild horses and listen to the sea wind. I did take my dingy in the inlets, as I cannot navigate my ship over the riffles for fear of the same fate of old Blackbeard's beauty. But I have found treasure here, so to speak. Not a thing placed here long ago, not a thing one can hold or touch, but a sense of not all is lost to the world as we made it. In addition to it, I have found the ship of the great man himself, Edward Teach - who would of thought I would have such good fortune?

Not much has changed from this self portrait through the years. The hair remains the same, yet bearing more locks and quite possibly more red. Where I currently reside, the black leather is kept to full attire as it is all too cold - yet behind closed doors one might get to see this desire. My dragon has always been my sidekick, depicted of a spiritual creature timeless and always there - he currently is in the form of my canine mate. The Flintlock Pistol is actually a familial airloom in the form of a Glock 17 once belonging to the late Great Sire himself. I currently spend most of my time on the sea, whether near it, in it, or on it. But most importantly, the bijou of a solitaire on my hand (I will admit those hands on the portrait are rather masculine, not like mine at all. I suppose the artist was using his own as a reference). This esmeralda has been a part of the family for generations, set at one era as a ring along with 6 diamonds in Austria by a famous and renowned artisan.
Yo ho Yo ho A Pirate's Life For Me.
(Video - Queen Anne's Revenge Wreck Dive Site)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Becoming Humble.

I was born.
I was given a body.
When I was born,
I was given a name.

It doesn't matter that I have a University Degree.
It doesn't matter how many languages I can speak.
It doesn't matter if I am a lover, a friend, a human being.
It doesn't matter if I am a daughter, a female, a girlfriend.
It doesn't matter if I am an oceanographer, a marine biologist,
an archeologist.

It doesn't matter if I am a captain, a medic, an employee.
It doesn't matter if I am a scientist, a writer, an explorer.
It doesn't matter if I have a title.
I am nothing.
Because if you take away all of my characters,
Then I am nothing.

I am only me.
Who I was born to be.
I have a body.
I have my mind.
I have the breath that is within my lungs.
And I have my name.

(I Am Not A Robot - Marina & The Diamonds)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Splashing Into The Big Apple.

I step unto the island once again. My childhood memories graze the back corners of my mind. In hopes to regain this past time part of my life, I look up to the lady of liberty, searching. Yet her expression remains the same, as if time hadn't even inflected a single etch of a wrinkle in her copper physique. Therefore, I continue onward from the Statue to the bigger shores of the citadel itself, The Big Apple... New York New York.

I did cross the Brooklyn Bridge and walked the streets of Manhattan. I did my shopping, as any person passing through does. In all respect and honor to those who worked in the medical deluge that followed a pointed political war, I glimpsed the flattened Ground Zero and visited the city battery - otherwise known as Battery Park. Which houses a reminder of the two looming towers that I recall from my youth. It strikes me as odd that our society would turn this revealed mask of tradegy into a tourist attraction, but such is history and historical geolocations all around the world. I cannot fathom that it would take something on this scale involving the general public to lay more shroud on the facts of what actually had occurred and the events that our government partook in leading up to it. Most undeniably, even to this day half of the general public do not know the truths behind this war. And more unfortunately, half of the outside world does not know that the States' media is biased and government engaged.

Indeed I do not follow such biased bologny, "we only tell you what we want you to hear". I remember as a young child realizing the truth behind the media. I had heard a great truth in the matter of a day, not partaining to war - but to archeology itself. How, in the western states I grew up in, archeologists had uncovered human male footprints along side dinosaur's footprints. Then a few years afterwards the particular finding that T-Rex was not a carnivore at all, but in fact an herbavore. To my excited archeology minded brain, these finds were of great significance. Within 24 hours all trace of these reports by the media vanished. Someone somewhere obviously did not want to rewrite history, let alone school books. I knew then media was a a farce, and honestly have not paid attention to it since. And as I stand here now in front of Grand Central Station, I can't help but realize this once known city is truly just another prop in a Hollywood movie, a set if you will.

Enjoying it for what is is worth, at face value. The dirty truths are not reflected in the clean streets and outward appearance. It is interesting to think that there in those alleyways and streets actually were the dawns of American culture. A cultural melting pot of persons from the entire globe - all searching for the same thing...
respect, freedom, and a dream.
(Who Says - John Mayer)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What Defines Alone?

Today someone walked up to me and sat down fairly close. As they were making their directed deployment in the seat (as to leave a empty chair in between us), this gentleman says to me,

"I will sit here because you look alone."

The phrase caught me by surprise, and not caring about who or what had taken place I echoed the word "Alone" outloud. As it slowly formed against my voicebox and exited my lips, I then looked to the man sitting in the second chair to my left and replied,

"Alone is a sad word."

I think the person was just in awe about my remark as I was with his greeting and replied,

"Indeed it is."
(They Dance Alone - Sting)

Alone: Pronunciation - \ə-ˈlōn\, Function - adjective, adverb

13th century
1: separated from others
2: exclusive of anyone or anything else
3: considered without reference to any other