Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back At The Mickey Mouse Parade...

I am utterly, completely dismayed and ashamed! How can I even relate to or be proud of what our political system has turned into?

I thought the last years were of horrible constitutions, but the recent campaign tactics left me with a sour taste in my mouth no matter who the elect is or could of been.

As of a recent visit and to my dismay (or should I say disgust), I found that the current president is nothing more than a action figurine for sale at the right price everywhere you go. Maybe this seemed so blatant only because I have been away for so long and am not embedded with advertising, etc. ...but I don't seem to recollect such a display of hollywood and fanfare previous. As a fellow citizen, look around you the next time you are at any store - you will see what I speak of.

Is this the fashion that we have come to? It seems to me our money making current president appears to be nothing more than a actor and reaping in your retributions (like taxes aren't enough).

I really hope he fits his shoes, because gosh the country needs help!


Nuesa LiterĂ ria said...

I suppose that when anybody pass the time outside of his/her country, when he/she return, then discover characteristics that he/she didnt see before. This happens everywhere.
The policy, everywhere, is a big theater.
Nevertheless, what other option we have?

Atlanteaness said...

Yes, it is quite possible to overlook the glare of things while living amongst it. And I have discussed this fact with others from other countries who have noticed the same effects once abroad. It is interesting indeed.

I agree, a show and life's the stage.

Atlanteaness said...

Blue & Green,

Snickers, who me?