Friday, July 18, 2008

What Defines A Dreamer?

Is it inventions, or accomplishments? Goals or preconceived ideas? A set way of living? A creative identity? Someone who day dreams or longs to be somewhere else? A rite to passage in a world of chaos and uncertainty? Is it a safety blanket of imaginations? Or is it simply when one closes their eyes to this world, whether in sleep or in the conscious, and journeys into a land of another reality? A dreamer, a great persona of one's inner self - full of ideas and genius, along with that of a sleep state existence.

Dreamer: Pronunciation - \ˈdrē-mər\, Function - noun
14th century
1: one that dreams
2 a: one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination b: one who has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical - visionary

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