Another letter from the editor... me! of course ;-) . t-hehe
(Propaganda - Briskeby)
(Propaganda - Briskeby)
All the big hype about global warming, did anyone really think about what is going on in our universe, instead of going on another money making notion of politicians and big business?
Let me just state, that back when the weather was bad about 10 years ago, everything was "oooo ahhhhh, El Nino". Did anyone even bother to look into El Nino? Any earth science minor/major knows that El Nino comes every year. It's a cycle. Just like El Nina. Does anyone remember it snowing in Florida in 1989? What about snow in Greece mid summer just a few years back? Sure these are things in time and history that are quite interesting. But not something to go overboard with.
So let me explain the current cycle today in our universe. The sun has an 11 year solar cycle. The last cycle being May 1996 to January 2008. Ok, then so the last few years have been the low of solar activity. This year January 2008 - ongoing (average of 11.1 years duration) is the beginning of the new cycle, and when the sun is at its low. Thus creating shorter winters, and delayed weather times... such as late winters, long falls, and massive amounts of storms and wind. Lets see, I think the "El Nino incident" was roughly 10-11 years ago, when the cycle was at its low once again.
Now this year is special because it is a leap year, where we try to maintain the solar calendar. Unfortunately, there are many calendars and ways to interpret leap years, but they all come back to the same principle concept. In the 1800's there was never a leap year involved in the solar cycle beginning. They were always a year apart and pretty consistent. In 1870's they were 2 years apart, returning to 1 year in the early 1900s. Finally 1944 (severe weather reported from December into January 1945/June 1944 severe weather holding military efforts) - the first leap year coinciding with solar cycle low. Then a 2 year gap. Then 1964 was another, wow that was impressive... 2 within a decade! Then 1964 (record snowfalls in TN) & 1976 (gale storms, severe droughts, crazy weather). Hmmmm... any strange occurrences in weather on these years? Then a 2 year gap again, and another coinciding date of 1996 (extreme weather even in Japan) and now 2008. I bet you the planet's next cycle won't fall on a leap year and will have a 2 year gap (at least)... what do you think? ;-) . In my research, just leap years in general seem to have an array of strange and unpredictable weather patterns. Also most endings and beginnings of solar cycles is a 2 to 3 year invasion of odd strange super fluctuating weather changes, then the years in between even out as what you would call normal variances. Normal years within a solar cycle and without leap years were just not as fascinating to report on, just mundane weather. The leap year itself is based on 293 year cycle. Where is the documentation 293 years ago when a leap year was at the solar cycle low? Since the little ice age ended in 1800's, and began roughly 300 to 500 years before, is it possible that we are only on another 293 year cycle, and this being the low? I believe so, therefore, surely there is a true scientific correlation in this study, if one were to undertake it.
Just a fact in 1916, which was just a leap year (no beginning of solar cycle). High temperatures that were record breaking and not less than a couple degrees than the high breakers we have now were reported. That was nearly 100 years ago! No shock then, it was natural to have strange weather phenomenon in all history.
"Global warming" / (greenhouse effect) is nothing more than a cycle. I shouldn't even like to call it that, but thats the term they are using and people understand. It's a cycle of the earth repairing itself, for lack of better description. If we enter into another ice age, at least we can prepare for it. If we enter into scorching hot dry periods, we can prepare for that too. Yes we should utilize our resources for this and any other thinkable catastrophes. But the world is and will ever be changing, and we as humans can't stop it from its natural cycle. It has all been done before, and surely this wont be the last time.
With the media the way they pound mainly false info into our brains, its no wonder people get hysteric and panicked. What the media doesn't offer is the same effects happening 100 years ago, like in 1916. All we have is computer generated hypothesis' based on stars and current weather/wind patterns (unless somewhere someone was fortunate enough to get there hands on written tables). And the media doesn't offer you the real facts behind the science. So just remember 100, 1000 years ago there were big storms, floods, cold periods, hot drought periods. And the news about these instances weren't wide spread, just noted. It was normal for the earth to take care of itself. It is completely normal to have them now as well.
And after writing all this I found a great case study as well:
"We missed what was right in front of our eyes," says Prof. Russell. It's not ice melt but rather wind circulation that drives ocean currents northward from the tropics. Climate models until now have not properly accounted for the wind's effects on ocean circulation, so researchers have compensated by over-emphasizing the role of manmade warming on polar ice melt. But when Profs. Toggweiler and Russell rejigged their model to include the 40-year cycle of winds away from the equator (then back towards it again), the role of ocean currents bringing warm southern waters to the north was obvious in the current Arctic warming. Last month, Oleg Sorokhtin, a fellow of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, shrugged off manmade climate change as "a drop in the bucket." Showing that solar activity has entered an inactive phase, Prof. Sorokhtin advised people to "stock up on fur coats."He is not alone. Kenneth Tapping of our own National Research Council, who oversees a giant radio telescope focused on the sun, is convinced we are in for a long period of severely cold weather if sunspot activity does not pick up soon.The last time the sun was this inactive, Earth suffered the Little Ice Age that lasted about five centuries and ended in 1850. Crops failed through killer frosts and drought. Famine, plague and war were widespread. Harbours froze, so did rivers, and trade ceased. It's way too early to claim the same is about to happen again, but then it's way too early for the hysteria of the global warmers, too." - L. Gunter.
And let's not forget magnetic north! The Earth being a giant compass, and just like a hand held version, the original point of location for the axis changes in variance of about 4 degrees. So this ever constant change most certainly effects our climate and temperature differences. Currently, we are sitting at 23.5 degrees. That is a bit far from Magnetic North. The high point that the Earth reaches is 24.4, and that brings us the furthest away from true North, and unfortunately this cycle has us heading to the high point.... Since everything is based on magnetism, it's no wonder the Earth is in turmoil physically, along with a rise and incline of disease for persons living on it. Our magnetism, for a lack of better word, is off! The last time the Earth met its maximum axis direction, was 40,000 years ago. Which in turn was a time of drought and dramatic climate changes leading into the ice age that killed off the Neanderthals.
But in relation to the paragraph above, the sun is at its solar low now. And just reported today by NASA is becoming active again, as it always is, ever changing, never predictable, and always in a cycle. Also, the wind patterns that L. Gunter speaks of flow up and then back down, another ever onward cycle. These cycles aren't "day after tomorrow" occurrences, they fluctuate in time to degrees of slow and fast variants.
So before everyone runs off the edge with "global warming" amongst other outreaching causes, don't just go with the flow. Study, learn, and see. The real facts have always been there and you will be amazed at what you find!
Yes, we pollute and destruction is our nature. But so is building a better future, and striving to become greater than we are. I am a firm believer in saving water, recycling, less power usage, etc, etc, blablabla. It will benefit us in the long run and is without a doubt more Earth friendly. So never stop our efforts to live in harmony with the ONLY planet we have.
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