Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Simple Gesture?

Smiling achieves two things.

1. It rubs off on people, hence contagious. When you smile at someone, in a way you pass the good vibes on. And then the effect it has on the person receiving the smile effects other persons in the form of a chain. And so on and so forth. Plus it cheers people up... just a simple gesture.

2. The true meaning behind the reason I smile all the time. Is so that other people don't really know exactly what I am thinking about.
(I'll Fly With You - Gigi D'Agostino)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

12 Rainbows And A Pocket Full Of Sunshine.

In the course of this week, I have seen 12 brilliant rainbows. One day out at sea, carried me through with a spectrum for every hour! And in between the farrowing storms, sunshine.... little pockets lighting up the world around me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Origins Of Drum & Bass?

Really... you have to check this style out.
(Gamelan Gong Kebyar)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mystical Magical.

The clouds have a grey appeal. The whole sky is washed out and dark flumes hover nearby around the the edges of the horizon. I am driving. The road is windy and set on the mountainside. So dreary and the left over rain still mists the windows. Low clouds moving fast, as to be expected when the cold comes drifting in. Higher clouds leisurely taking their journey's time. Grey. A few glimmers of a whiter side of grey, but grey all around. Even the greens and blooms of summer seem to be darkened in murkiness. I round the corner in the road to find way out over the ocean's valley a patch of sunlight beaming down and illuminating a distant mountain in its every crevice detail. The colors of vibrant greens and browns muddled with various colors of flowers, even white from water falling down its sides. The ocean beneath gleamed in gladness with the sun's reprieve. It was surreal, nothing existed except for this small area on this large planet. And I being the only one in existence. I wished for an instant I had a camera, and thought better as it would most certainly not reflect what my very own eyes are soaking in. No picture could ever recreate a two dimensional portrayal. I am by myself. There isn't a single person around and absolutely not a living creature to share with... to point over there in awe and say, "Look at that!". These moments are few, but I know that these moments were meant for me and me alone.
Mystical Magical Amazing.

(January Stars - Sting)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fear And A Bucket.

"The best bilge pump in the world is a 5 gallon bucket and fear." - unknown

I know I have stated this prior, only in passing - as it was absolutely hilarious and factual. But it doesn't in the least bit prepare you for the real feat of a boat filling with water and a faulty bilge! Iyiyi! Today was no picnic. My handy first mate was there, so everything is sorted now... phew. I need a hot bath, massage for overworked muscles, and a long awaited for "sigh" (maybe that's an exhale, possibly I was holding my breath the whole time). I guess I have been broken in... I always wanted to be a pirate when I grew up.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Just Loved This One, Had To Share!

Macs are cool. (Commentary below pictures is a bit difficult to read) Linux is hot.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Listless leaves falling
Fire rolls
Heart only
The only balance is
between warmth and light.

No matter what distractions are without
focus within to achieve what you set out to do.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Under The Sea.
(Video: The Little Mermaid / Music: Cindy - Tammany Hall)

The weather brings rain as well, but we still set out to find the shining object in the ocean below the rocky cliff. As we are ancient Atlanteans, the new time down below is much a relief... to get out of this world and into our old one. There I shook hands with a young starfish and learned that his great great great grandfish was friends with one of my relatives. Amazing how small a world it is! We chat for awhile and then we go back to our search for the treasure.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

That About Does It!

I have finished compiling from other journals and a previous site. Finally, I have completed adding the entries I wish to share leading up to this point in my intergalactic fantastic life.

This journal will most definitely be headlining music of various degrees. Music is emotion. The music provided generally corresponds with the journal entry. So the way I have set it up for your viewing and listening pleasure is to click on the links provided, preferably in a separate window. For the most part, the link is for listening while reading what I have typed. At other times, you will find videos for your viewing pleasure as well. I have chosen to use youtube - well, because my playlist isn't exactly for outsider's fingers. So enjoy!

For anyone who has wandered on to my journal prior to this entry, you should really check the last 3 month's entries for anything new I might of included. You won't be let down, I assure you. From here on out, will be new findings, adventures, or memories in my journey on this giant spinning blue ball.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Germans Alike!

In my native land, I had the opportunity to spend time over a couple years with a very interesting individual. He was a German carpenter, who appreciated good wine and chocolate. He was probably close to the age of my grandfather, but had spirit and optimism that could only come from years of learned wisdom. It was always a pleasure to venture over to his woodwork shop for an after work break. His handcraft was superb and I had always wished to have something created by him. In a sense, I do have something created by him. Memories of kindness and wisdom shared. I never received anything a person could hold or touch, but what I hold dear is something immaterial. At the end of each visit, he would present me with a chocolate covered cherry surrounded in liquor, a Mon Cheri. He would wish me well and await my return until next time. I visited him before my ventures offshore of my native land began. He was no doubt proud of me, as a father might be. He wish me best of fortune on my new journeys and told me to visit if I was in town. Hugs and Mon Cheris.

If I ever thought it could be possible... in a fishing village off the coast of Norway, I would meet an older German fisherman who resembled that of my friend from home. They looked alike and had the same demeanor and pleasantry, that I truly was in awe of the entire situation. I should of been so bold to ask if he had family abroad, but I was too wrapped up in a moment of the present and the past to get my mouth in motion. I stayed in this village for the duration of a long weekend. The German fisherman was there the entire time. His friends and my crew had a great time, with good food and drinks every evening. We in turn spent the days in the water, and they spent their days on the water. This fisherman asked towards the end of everyone's stay, if someone would be so kind to bring him back treasures of the sea. I in turn, with fond memories of the German carpenter, set out on a mission for the German fisherman. It was the last day and I had filled my purse with treasures from the sea. I didn't take too many items, because I do not wish to destroy my home. But enough for a German to be content. The last evening was around good wine and a chef who prepared the most wonderful palates with fish and sea urchins provided from the sea. With our goodbyes as we turned in to bed for the last night, the German fisherman gave me a Giandor bar, chocolate with almond creme filling. I didn't know what to say, and knew then surely the fisherman was indeed related to the carpenter! I thanked him profusely for the chocolate and laughed warmly to myself. Tasty morsels of memories.

(May 2006)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Party On An Ice Berg.

No matter where you are in the world, one thing remains the same under a gathering of persons, music. You could be in numerous countries and you will always here a few of the same songs. If even not in their native tongue, the common music shared has the same effect on the crowd.

For example, Sweet Home Alabama.
(Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd)

I have heard this played all over the world, and everyone shares the atmosphere as good times with good feelings that come over with an overenthusiastic display of singing to the tune. It doesn't matter what the person's normal preference of music is. Or what color they are, or what nationality, whether they even speak English. Their hair could be dyed, along with piercings and tattoos. Better yet they are in business suits, at yacht or golf clubs, or averages sitting behind a bar.
The same effect is displayed among my natives, as it does all over the world. Alot of other encountered music is a handful of 80's one hit wonders. Amazing. Music breaks the language barriers. So in some small way when it comes to music everyone is equal.

Now back at the party... When on land, I have had the opportunity to join in on all the reindeer games. From an ice berg in the North Pole, a bottle of tequila goes unattended. In search of Cuervo 1800, I had to settle for some Mexican import with a rather pretty flask. Disgusting. I have never found a tequila I wouldn't set my lips to until today, or should I say tonight. You see, this time of year makes it special. It is hard to establish what time it is. I know I started the evening off around 19:00. I know I have been drinking quite a bit, as my Estonian stock is nearly empty. But why is the rum gone - hehe? Maybe because of the deceiving daylight. Between the hours of 01:00 and 02:00 the sun nearly set, or is that daybreak. And as the light of the sun returns it adds the question of how many days have I been here? It's Sunday? No way!

This giant spinning blue ball.
Spectacular Earth at its rotating best!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Give It A Twirl!

I would rather have this song stuck in my head for the rest of my life, than half of the crap they play on the radio today that they call "music". The video is pretty neat too.
(I Love The World - Discovery Channel)

If everyone had this tune on their lips when they woke up in the morning, I know the world would be a better place. And the persons singing it would actually be happier and more appreciative of the planet, surroundings, and life in general. Try it, what do you have to loose. From the moment you wake up think on the lyrics, and sing. I know it is silly, but just break in to tune and do it... you might be surprised!

I love the ocean blue. I love the skys above. I love the way to fog rolls up and down the mountains, it reminds me of a dragons crawl. I love the auroras. I love fractals. I love sea slugs and sea dragons too. There's so much to love! I love the whole wide world. It's an awesome place! Boom dee ah dah Boom dee ah dah Boom.

What is your passion? What do you love? What makes this giant spinning blue ball so special to you? I'm curious, so I would love to hear your response.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Speaking Of Names...

This entry was months ago when I left port:

I have my very own pirate ship! As most of my close mates know, I grew up on board a Cutty ship named the Seagull. The way I came into living this way is a whole other chapter. The Cutty was named such after her performance in the water, as if in flight of a commonly known pest at the beaches. But truly, have you ever watched a seagull? They are very graceful in the skies and display freedom in their flight. Boating is like freedom. No roads to keep inside the lines. No boundaries of borders. No checks on identity. Freedom in the only form I know next to diving and swimming in the clear blue. It's nice to think mermaids have this kind of freedom.

I found out were she was lying. Off the shores of Tortuga, a little mariners cover away from that of the normal settlements. I rounded the mountain bend and saw her swaying there in the pure blue. About 5 minutes further I came upon the docks. I didn't know what to expect. I, as a Captain again, needed to have a wooden seaworthy ship and in good condition. I walked slowly down the dock, taking in the sea air and glancing at the ship that awaited me. Soaking in every detail, I reached her bow. She smiles! Her mood immediately changed along with the energy off of her, I couldn't help but notice this ship smiling back at me! I knew, not even boarding her, she was to be mine and promised to be seaworthy. Spacious inside, all necessary amenities, several windows to let in natural light, wood was in good shape, cockpit for driving, aft wheel for outside navigating. I was truly in heaven as the connection was growing stronger between me and my ship. Sold. My Pirate Ship.

My very own pirate ship has never been named. She is older than I and never has been christened (well that I don't know for sure) or dubbed??? So many things that might be fitting for a given name. I hate to take her out without a name, but I have no choice, the sea awaits.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Is It Your Virtue?

Several years ago, someone I met on icq from the west coast decided I was such an interesting person that he wished to use my original name (which until recently I have been the only one in the world, literally) and create a character based on me in a well known forum. I agreed thinking it would truly be neat to have a mini author write a character based after myself. Needless to say I don't remember if I was killed off or left the forum all together, but it was in bravery and not in vain... so I think I might have died, hehe. I don't remember and am too lazy to find the printouts of the storyline. But I, in this little way, went down in history.

About 5-6 years ago I ran into someone from a famous island who said they wished to write a book about me and my adventures. Whatever? Am I that intriguing persons feel the need to write about me?

Shortly there after, for shits and giggles, some people I knew googled my one of a kind name and what did they find? ....Another rpg character based on me with my given name. Nearly right down to the T, one subtle difference remains. But here's the kicker - the person who created this character lives on the other side of the world and never knew that I, the real one, ever existed. I contacted this person at that time and the creator of the character's reply was "It was all from their head". Just the other day I decided to check "me" out again. I still remained perpetuated in someone out there's fantasy.

In a way I was very happy in my later years to have such a unique name and uniquely way of being named. Mostly the fact that I "was" the only one out there gave me a sense of complete satisfaction. Once, I even thought to pull a Dicaprio. Fascinating really...

So, two times in the running, I have seen my immortality while alive. Which, in the longest run, is so much better than possibly never knowing after you die. So immortality I have achieved without even trying and I am not quite sure if this is how I expected it. For now, in at least two instances, I am immortal.
(That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings)

***What My Name Means***
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

What's Your Name's Meaning?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Simple Wish...

My secret wish, in this sacred place.
A warm day during late winter.
As the sun set, nothing much spectacular.
The afterglow was all the beauty.
The green to blue turned into midnight blue.
A planet and a star twinkle a far.
In the crystalline sky,
As if painted looking through his eye.
The chill sets in.
As nightfall brings the cold again.
The wind picks up.
Fiercely blowing, as it whips my hair.
To think you are somewhere out there.
As the replicated ocean waves sound clear,
I look to the stars to feel you near.
So close to me.
A bright flash starts right above.
Large, white, sparkling light.
As it trails down to the horizon,
The size increase astonishes.
To think on a night such as this,
I would get to make a wish?
My secret wish, in this sacred place.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Photographing Fairies.

I used to be an avid picture taker. My camera loomed around my neck or tucked away in my purse... accompanying me anywhere and everywhere. Hoping to capture every special moment, even if a droplet of water should perch so perfectly on a leaf. Years and years, money, and photos upon photos. I even took a photography class in college. I never did any developing of my own once done with the class, it was more expensive and time consuming than I had originally thought. The art of photography, another's passion maybe - but not mine. Years ago, I actually ran into another who was in the same state as I, nearly never without camera in hand. I studied their misuse of the capturing option and realized that I was completely missing the point. Who do I have to share the photographs of the years with and how often do I even look at them myself? And now with the digital age, all those pictures on pc - thousands upon thousands for one sitting, when have I ever really looked at them? Maybe once to recapture what I had already been through. These pictures just take up space and are left for maybe just a possibility of a younger generation to happen across. But it doesn't quite mean the same for the future as it did for the past. So just why have I been waisting so much time behind a mechanically focusing eye? The last 4 years I have traveled light and my neck seems less weary from wear... no camera. No missing the whole picture. Life is what you see and all the information you gather from it. Through a lens not your own, you are missing all the detail and beauty. Once you open your own eyes, it is hard to fathom life with a camera. What I see are the memories that will go on with me... I don't think actual physical photos get the chance to go where I will go. A snap shot only hides the detail, the lighting, the color, the essence.

Ode to My Dearest Tinkerbell.
(Bitchin Camaro - The Dead Milkmen)

Wendy Bird misses her sister. What else is new? Whether we were pondering mysticism or conceptual intellect, you always understood me. Diagrams and science. Weekends with my little sis. OMG we had so much fun. The best of the best was 2004. I don't even remember if we slept. Oh Thank Heaven - Sinbad! The leather jacket. My legs are Dumbo.

I had a dream I was a vigilante's sidekick. Fighting crime in the streets together. I know kung poo. Whip cream and dentures. Monuments in the sand. The river. So many instances and so many songs to capture them. Bitches. I regret not having you by my side threw this part of my life's journey. But I know you are always here, as I am always there.

If I ever had a soul mate, it would be you.

I couldn't find a link to share the tune, poo.
Larue - Always Be.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Going To The Moon! Wanna Come?

Traveling Decisions.

When younger I spent many days off the shores of Mexico.

Paper flowers in plethoras of color. Mariachis. Streets of authentic Mexican blankets in all shapes and sizes, sarapes... even ponchos. If you had a vehicle for transportation, kids would come off the streets and try to wash your windows with dirty water and then hold their hands out for payment for the good work they had done. Wooden crates holding cardboard boxes on shop corners usually held a variety of chocolate covered bugs... alive. Bartering with merchants for their wares. Beautiful beaches and good food.

An attempt at thinking I knew how to speak and understand Spanish, I ordered caldo de pesco at a fancy restaurant that was on a rock edge outlook. What I got for the meal was not my familiar caldo (soup broth). The waiter in the joy of seeing that I probably had no idea what I ordered, gleefully sat the dish before me. I was horrified as this bowl of soup had tentacles hanging over the edges in a display of suction cups broiled along with god knows what else.... pesco meaning fish. Gack! But I try everything at least once... and as not to offend the restaurant or the cook at the presentation, I simply tasted it once and ate around the rest.

The legend of Montezuma's Revenge lead me further north into the depths of the Western United States in search of Montezuma's Castle via old roads of the trading posts (but that is a whole other adventure).

But in all my travels while in Mexico, I never visited the Mayan ruins. I think I will plan my next great escape in the direction of the lost cities. Maybe glimpse Piramides de Teotihuacan or Chichen Itza, amongst other amazing feats while I relive fond childhood memories.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hitting The Floor.... Poisoned.

Even on land one can't expect to escape the fiant of sickdom. Day 5 without the sea, day 5 without fresh summer breeze. In my better interest, I have to eat puree foods. I generally can't eat much human foods anyway. Most of my life incorporates a wood block, big knife (did I mention I like knives, heh), and a peeler - if it is not caught direct from the sea. Such an understatement to actual tastes... puree. But they say it is easier on your stomach and healthier; as in it takes more time to process and your stomach uses more of the nutrients from what you are putting into it. Plus, it is scientifically proven that you actually don't feel hungry as quick as if you had eaten a coursed meal. I love real homemade smoothies of all attempts, but puree doesn't quite fit the bill. Hmmm, guess it doesn't make a difference when you are forcing yourself to eat, because you know that is the only way you can fight to survive.